Days 40-43 -- 5 Steps Forward, 10 Steps Back

I'm afraid I don't have much good news to report.  I'm up 2.4 pounds this week, which puts me squarely back at 248.6 :-(

I feel like I'm doing this stupid dance, where I have a great week, lose two or three pounds, then self-sabotage the next week and put it all back on.  Only this week, I added back half of what I had lost.  Boooooo!!!!  I have to stop doing that!

The problem, you ask?  Well, I tend to cut myself a little too much slack after such a stellar week as two weeks ago.  That, combined with the lack of posting this week, left me feeling quite free and nonchalant regarding my diet.  I found out this week that I definitely need the accountability this blog provides.  I need to know I have forty-plus people watching (or reading!) my every move.  You'd be surprised what a little guilt and shame can do to shape up your diet! 

So the goal this week is to get back to posting each and every day.  They won't always be long posts, but even if I can manage to get Nicole's Daily Menu up here, I'm sure that'll help keep me in check. 

That said, let's review this past week.  I was doing great until Friday came along.  I was running late in the morning, and didn't have a chance to eat breakfast at home.  Bad Move Numero Uno.  As a result, I ended up stuffing my face at work with a Dunkin Donuts Wheat Bagel and Lite Cream Cheese.  Man, did that thing sit heavy in my stomach!  Things didn't get much better.  Lunch: the Asian Sesame Chicken Salad from Panera Bread.  Dinner?  Well, what better way to cap off the workweek than with take-out!  Yup -- one buffalo-chicken calzone coming up!  All that doughy goodness went straight to my ass.  I swear my butt visibly grew.  And in case you missed that, yes, I "ordered out" three times in ONE DAY!!!

Saturday brought a chance to enjoy the unseasonably warm weather we had here in New England.  I dragged my butt (in Spandex, nonetheless!) and Ted (my awesome photographer and fantastic support system) to the race, where I shaved another two minutes off my previous best race time!  I was pretty happy about finishing at 41:40, and have some great photos to prove just how hard I was digging in and pushing myself toward the very end.  But that wasn't the only thing I was excited about.  For months now, I've been training/running indoors, on a treadmill.  There's a great big difference between that and running outside, however.  So the previous races I'd done involved me running/walking the majority of the race.  And by run/walk, I mean run a quarter, walk a quarter.  But not on Saturday!!!  I ran 1.1 miles straight, without stopping!  I ran/walked the second mile, then ran all but 0.15 or so of the last mile! 

Unfortunatley, these accomplishments gave me a sense of entitlement and left me feeling like I deserved to celebrate.  Which I did, don't get me wrong.  But I probably should have done something a little better than what ended up happening.  So let's continue.

Post-race lunch celebration with the work crew at Doherty's Irish Pub.  Three onion rings, one cheeseburger, and some broccoli later, I felt stuffed.  If the festivities had ended there, maybe I could have found a way to salvage this week.  But they didn't.

Ted was having poker night at the house on Saturday, so a few of the girls and I hit the mall for some retail therapy.  But not before chowing down on nachos and Sangria at Joe's American Bar & Grill.  (Could I have made a worse decision?!  I mean honestly, what was I thinking?  Fried chips, fried cheese, and hard alcohol???)  After my pants were sufficiently bulging and I was secretly wishing I had pregnant-lady pants, we did our shopping and hit a few stores.  Then later, we topped the evening off with some TCBY frozen yogurt. 

All in all, it was a good week which was completely destroyed by my utter lack of control on the weekend.  So instead of the 245 I was hoping for, I'm now even further away from that goal.  Which really sucks, now that I'm on the other side of these meals.  I'll be the first to admit, I did not stop and ask myself "Is it worth it?" at any point during my Food-Induced-Coma Weekend.  And I should have.  Because now I've set myself back.  Thanks to this little setback, I'll have to work even harder this week to lose those 2 pounds again, plus another 2!  Oy...

But I'm off to a good start, so far.  I packed my normal lunch today and am back to the gym tonight.  I also got a quick 1.3 mile-run in yesterday around the neighborhood (with lots of hills!)   Let's just hope this week I am able to stay on track and keep focused on what really matters here!  Because in the long run, burgers and onion rings are not going to get me to where I need, or want, to be!

Oh, and this week's challenge: 500 crunches, courtesy of the lovely Nicole S.  Thanks sooooo much chica!!!  (Insert sarcasm here.)

Nicole's Daily Menu
1 cup of Kashi Go Lean Crunch Cereal with 1% milk
1 Babybel Light Cheese Round
1 Fig Newton
Pineapple Chobani Yogurt (quickly becoming my favorite flavor!)
2 Rice Cakes with Laughing Cow French Onion Spreadable Cheese
1 cup of Select Harvest Southwestern Soup (not a fan)
Diced peaches
7 Strawberries, sliced
To be determined....
To be determined....


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